BSN (Nursing) University of Iowa
MDivBL Southwestern Theological Seminary
MA (Philosophy) Texas A&M University
PhD (Philosophy) University of Notre Dame
PROFESSIONAL INFLUENCES: Alvin Plantinga, Jon Kvanvig, Chris Menzel, Eleonore Stump, Fritz Warfield, Peter van Inwagen, Timothy O’Connor, Louis Pojman, and David Haugen (though none should be blamed for my many shortcomings- that’s on me)
PERSONAL INFLUENCES: Dad and Mom, my sister Marcia and my brother Glen, the Fairfielders (Mike Erickson, Steve Rakoff, Dave Dorsett, and Dave Gevock), Jack Owens, Lori Futrell, Lisa Lepeltek, Randy Boyts, Harold Bullock, Darin Garton, Tommy Kidd, Larry Wall, Rick Cook, and of course last but definitely not least, my wife, Becca and my children who probably don’t want to be named.
NOTE: Below is my statement about being a Christian. A CV can be found here. And here are some of my published papers.